Monday, September 28, 2009

Thing #1

Thing #1:

I find myself watching this video for a second time wondering how something so simple in theory can be sometimes tough to do in real life. As a teacher, I would assume I am a learner, even a life-long learner, but I realize that I have some obstacles in my way, especially in listening and thinking about the 7 1/2 Habits of life long learners.

First, there are three on the list that I find challenging. The first is being positive about my learning process, which would include positive self-talk. When I'm learning something, I sometimes don't give myself a chance to learn without totally beating myself up in the process. I don't mean to do just happens that way often. Honestly, I do lack confidence in my learning especially if it doesn't come easy.

Next, often I don't view problems as challenges, but rather, obstacles that keep me from going forward. In teaching that's not really the way to be; however, it never fails that problems present themselves at the most inopportune times, and in the moment, there's no time to be excited by the challenge. Later though, it seems that the knowledge of the solution I've found comes in handy when the obstacle presents itself once again.

Last, I'm a linear type of person who likes to take anything new by steps, so often, the end result is just the end. Looking at the big picture is difficult at times. Although it seems silly really to think about in terms of learning, I find myself changing the course more often because the end was not in my mind at the beginning of the process.

I'm glad to report that the teaching/mentoring is the easiest for me. I've known since my first year to teach that breaking it down and helping other people learn something is the best way for me to reinforce my own learning all the while helping another. And I love helping others. It's a win/win situation.

Also, I've always been responsible for my own learning and until about two years ago, I was constantly in a place where I wanted to gain all the knowledge I could, whether it be through PFK classes or other means of learning.

Throughout this course, I know that I will be most plagued with the obstacles in my life-learning path. Currently, things are so hectic in my work world that my gut feeling says that it'll take a while for me to view problems as future answers. I hope to work through that in this class.